Membership details 2025
There is no charge for first time visitors to club night.
Yearly From 1st July
Adult: $60 $30
Couple/Family $90 $45
Student 18 years and younger $35
Account: Wanaka Camera Club BNZ 02-0673-0091306-000
Please pay annual subs by 31 January
Link to membership application form:
Scan and send back to [email protected] or bring to the next club night.
Members' attention is drawn to the club's rule which states that entries to the club's monthly photography
competition is restricted to financial members.
There is no charge for first time visitors to club night.
Yearly From 1st July
Adult: $60 $30
Couple/Family $90 $45
Student 18 years and younger $35
Account: Wanaka Camera Club BNZ 02-0673-0091306-000
Please pay annual subs by 31 January
Link to membership application form:
Scan and send back to [email protected] or bring to the next club night.
Members' attention is drawn to the club's rule which states that entries to the club's monthly photography
competition is restricted to financial members.